Saturday, August 16, 2014

Day 2, cont'd. Keep drivin', Winnie. We're burning daylight.

 Looking Southwest toward Gullfoss Falls
Gullfoss and the surrounding area were made a nature preserve in 1979.  The area's ecosystem is also protected, and it's vegetation remains pretty well untouched.  Attempts are still being made every single day to minimize man's footprint, to keep man-made structures to a minimum, and to not disturb the land and geological formations.

Toss your camera rig on your shoulder and let's head up the creek to see what it looks like looking back toward the Northeast...

Never would I have ever dreamed that I'd be taking vacation snapshots in Iceland... but I'm sure glad I made it to the party.

 Time to pack up and make a run for the Hotel.  We heard that it was a 4 Star hotel.  I hope so.

 Ooh, check out that second shelf from the top.  They've got some, um... adequate scotches there.  I started my flight on the right side of the second shelf and only made it as far as the Monkey Shoulder Single Malt Scotch Whisky.  And the cognacs on the top shelf?  Righteous.  Their 'little wine fridge' had started off with names like Chateau neuf du Pape, Dom, Bollinger (champagne, Mr Bond?).


 While I was drooling on the floor in front of the scotch bar, Winnie (the Beer Hunter) found an interesting local bier that I thought, btw, was pretty darn good.

This was a rather unusual flower... It reminded me of Mother Nature's answer to July Fourth pyrotechnics...   It explodes in the middle, flinging the bomblets outward to explode yet again and again.  
Does anyone know what this is?

G'night, all.

And now, the whole crew bids you all a fond adieu, from Somewhere on the island of Iceland.

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